公益社団法人 福岡県国際交流センター

Application for sponsorship and co-sponsorship

Application for sponsorship and co-sponsorship
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  • Application for sponsorship and co-sponsorship

With the aim of promoting internationalization in the region and promoting international understanding among the people of the prefecture, the foundation allows international exchange organizations in the prefecture to use its name as a nominal support for their events.

To apply, please read the "Nominal Support Guidelines" and submit the necessary documents.

Documents required for application

The following documents are required for application.

  1. Application for Nominal Supportword filepdf file
  2. Project/Event Proposal
  3. Documentation relating to your organization (Articles of Association, Constitution, Advisors, Board Members, Committee Member List etc.)
  4. Written Budget for Income and Expenditureword filepdf file
  5. A return self-addressed stamped envelope (\84 stamp)
  6. Documentation relating to donations (For charity events)
  7. Pamphlets on past events
  8. Change of Nominal Name (Cancellation) Notification Form (to be submitted only if the project/event is changed or cancelled after application)pdf filepdf file

Documents required if the project/event is changed or cancelled after applying

  1. Change of Nominal Name (Cancellation) Notification Form 実績報告書:WORD 実績報告書:PDF

Documents for Report

After the completion of the event/project, please submit a report and reference documents as soon as possible.

  1. Report.word filepdf file
  2. Reference documents *Posters, flyers, and other reference materials

For applications and inquiries

Fukuoka International Exchange Foundation Planning and Exchange Section
Fukuoka International Exchange Foundation Kokusai Hiroba,ACROS Fukuoka 8F, 1-1-1 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka 810-0001

Fukuoka International Exchange Foundation (FIEF) co-hosts events with various NPOs and international exchange groups in Fukuoka prefecture to introduce international cultures at Kokusai Hiroba (ACROS Fukuoka 3F) to promote international understanding and exchanges between prefectural residents and foreign nationals living in Japan.To apply, please check the "Application Guidelines by Fukuoka International Exchange Foundation" and apply with all the necessary documents.

Application forms

Please prepare the following documents for application.

  1. (Form 1) Application form word file pdf file
  2. (Form 2) Proposal for lecture/event word file pdf file
  3. (Form 3) Budget word file pdf file
  4. Documents related to the applicant organization (organization constitution or bylaws, list of officers, etc.)
  5. (Form 4) Written Pledge word file pdf file
  6. Donation materials
  7. Flyers of past events and projects, etc.

Documents related to reporting of results

Please prepare the following documents for application.

  1. (Form 6) Implementation Report for Fukuoka International Exchange Foundation word file pdf file
  2. Reference materials (posters, flyers, etc.)

How to Apply/Procedures leading up to the Co-hosting of Events

  1. Submit Request to co-host an Event (unspecified format), Proposal, Application to use Kokusai Hiroba and any other necessary documents
  2. FIEF will then evaluate the content of the proposed event
  3. Based on the results of evaluation, FIEF will contact the applicant if it is possible to co-host the event. Following this, FIEF will discuss on the content of the event, allocation of roles (production of fliers, advertising, running the event on the day etc.) and event promotion with the applicant.
  4. Day of the event
  5. Submit Event Report

※Important:Please apply at least 3 months in advance of the day you wish to hold the event.


Fukuoka International Exchange Foundation Planning and Exchange Section
ACROS Fukuoka West Side 3F, 1-1-1 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka 810-0001, Japan