公益社団法人 福岡県国際交流センター

Regional Internationalization Promotion Activity Support Activities

International Exchange/Cross-cultural Understanding
Regional Internationalization Promotion Activity Support Activities
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  • Regional Internationalization Promotion Activity Support Activities

We provide support for activities by private organizations based within the prefecture that aim to progress regional internationalization by promoting grass-roots level international exchange amongst citizens.The guidelines for applications are listed below. For more details, please see Support Program for Activities Promoting Regional Internationalization guidelines.

Eligible Organizations

Organizations which meet all of the following criteria:

  1. Activities are based in Fukuoka Prefecture
  2. Not receiving regular assistance from national or local Public Organizations
  3. Non-Profit Organization
  4. Not related to political or religious activities
  5. Not a member of or closely related to criminal organizations

Eligible Projects(Projects conducted from the 1st April current year to 20th March the following year within the prefecture.)

  1. Exchange projects or support/consultation for foreign residents (including students)
  2. Projects aiming to develop international understanding amongst youth
  3. International understanding/exchange projects aiming to create a more multicultural society
  4. Other projects contributing to regional internationalization

Details of Support

  1. Provision of venue: the ‘Kokusai Hiroba’ open space or conference room, part of Fukuoka International Exchange Foundation
  2. Grants of up to half of the expenses for a project, to a maximum of 200,000 yen per project.
  3. PR assistance.

Application Period

Ongoing. However, as a general rule applications should be made at least 4 months prior to the commencement of the project.
* Applications will be closed if the total amount granted reaches the budget limit for the fiscal year.

Please note the following, before applying

  1. Please read the Support Program for Activities Promoting Regional Internationalization guidelines carefully regarding applications.
  2. Please feel free to contact the center if anything is unclear.
  3. For information about the application process, please see Support Program for Activities Promoting Regional Internationalization process.

You can download the following from here

  • ・Support Program for Activities Promoting Regional Internationalization guidelinespdf file
  • ・Application Formpdf file
  • ・Support Program for Activities Promoting Regional Internationalization processpdf file

List of Subsidized Projects

A list of past support projects can be downloaded below.

  • List of Support Programs for 2022pdf file
  • List of Support Programs for 2021pdf file
  • List of Support Programs for 2020pdf file
  • List of Support Programs for 2019pdf file
  • List of Support Programs for 2018pdf file
  • List of Support Programs for 2017pdf file
  • List of Support Programs for 2016pdf file
  • List of Support Programs for 2015pdf file
  • List of Support Programs for 2014pdf file
  • List of Support Programs for 2013pdf file

Where to Contact

Fukuoka International Exchange Foundation
Kokusai Hiroba,1-1-1 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka,Fukuoka 810-0001
Inquiry Form