公益社団法人 福岡県国際交流センター

Event, Seminars, Lectures

International Exchange/Cross-cultural Understanding
Event, Seminars, Lectures
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  • Event, Seminars, Lectures


Kokusai Hiroba (3rd floor of ACROS Fukuoka) regularly holds events that allow people to experience the world to promote international exchange and understanding among prefectural residents. In addition to the "Kokusai Hiroba Cafe" where lecturers introduce foreign cultures and interact with participants, events and exhibitions are held in cooperation with various NPOs and international exchange groups in the prefecture.

Click Here for Activities Report

International Seminars 

To promote prefectural residents' understanding of the global political and economic situation and international issues, we have been holding seminars since 2014 in cooperation with the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA).

The Japan Institute of International Affairs is a general institution whose main purpose is to investigate, research, and disseminate diplomatic and security issues over a mid to long-term perspective. Since its establishment in December 1959, it has developed as a policy think tank representing Japan, and the results of its activities have been highly evaluated both inside and outside the country, and it is ranked high in the world think tank ranking by the University of Pennsylvania.

See Event History Here pdf file

See Event History Here pdf file